Friday, September 30, 2016

It's Good to be Avive

In the news, you’ve probably seen tons of stories about innovations in virtual reality games. In my boredom, I was watching videos of current virtual reality games that had become popular. Tons of games have been released, allowing gamers and non-gamers to become involved in an adventure, in the safety of their own homes. While these games typically involve exploring and fighting, HTC has taken this to another level.
HTC, a Taiwanese consumer electronics company, that was founded in 1997. They were credited with creating the first Android smartphone as well as other innovative creations, over the years. In the last couple of years, they started dabbling in a new genre of consumer electronics; virtual reality.
Back in April, HTC and Valve released the HTC Vive, a virtual reality headset. This amazing technology takes the scale of the room it is in and creates a 3D space within the gaming environment, seen through the headset by the user. The user has two handheld controllers that allow him to interact with objects inside the gaming environment.
On September 30, HTC announced the Viveport System, an app store for the Vive. Viveport allows the user to download about 60 games, currently. This number is small because the company’s goal is not to have a massive quantity of video games available, but a limited number of detailed non-gaming experiences. These “games” include meditation, planetariums, safaris, and even surgery simulations. Not only are they meant to entertain, but to simulate experiences that the user would not necessarily be able to experience. While this platform may seem advanced, considering it was just created, it still has room for growth.
As the technology is further developed, other companies will want to become involved. This platform can become a tool for learning and not just entertainment. Hospitals can use the surgery simulation to better prepare medical students for future situations that they can’t experience by studying their textbooks. The guided meditation game can help patients who are suffering from anxiety or other symptoms. Gyms can use the technology as a fun and creative way to motivate people who would otherwise stay immobile. The options are endless for what this company could do. They could make a huge difference in the world by preparing people for life experiences that they cant learn without experiencing first or second hand. Not only could the world benefit, but the company could make millions of dollars off of cooperating with schools and businesses, or even the government.
As for the actual games, there are multiple games for users looking for excitement and fun. One game that amused me was the “Plank Experience”. One video I saw had two users, that created a plank for each other to walk on, while setting up fans and other things in the room to enhance the gaming experience. The actual goal of the game is to walk across the plank and then walk back. While this may seem easy to walk across an object, placed on sponges in the middle of a room, the headset allows the user to see a completely different environment. In the visual goggles, the user sees that he is standing on a plank, hanging off of the side of a building, thousands of miles above traffic. Sounds a little bit harder, right?
Other games include zombie apocalypse scenarios, boxing, and sword fighting. While only one user can play at a time, eventually the company will find a way to include a second headset. This way, two users can share the same space and environment, to work together in games, or even the simulation experiences.
If you haven’t heard much about the Vive System or If I sparked an interest, I encourage you to check their website out. Here is the link:

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